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Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:43 pm
by Scott

Re: Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:14 pm
by Norgan
I really didn't think I would like Lost when my friend was begging me to start watching it. After I caved in and watched the first episode I didn't hate it, but I didn't see anything special about it either, and seeing the "Next time, on Lost" clips at the end made me almost not want to watch any more of it at all. I later did watch the second episode (actually it's the second half of the pilot episode) and I was completely wrong about it.

There's not a whole lot I can say to try to convince you, you just have to put your foot in the water first and see if you like it. If you really can watch the two-part pilot and not want any more, then that's fine.

I will say this, though: everyone I know who watches this show lists it as their number 1, even above Dexter.

Re: Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:34 pm
by Scott
Believe it or not, my girlfriend has said she liked Dexter better than Lost, but she still thinks I'll like lost. That boredom with the first few episodes reminds me of Arrested Development. I watched like 5 episodes and I couldn't get into it. Just too dry...

Re: Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:34 am
by Barry Egan
Scott wrote:Believe it or not, my girlfriend has said she liked Dexter better than Lost, but she still thinks I'll like lost. That boredom with the first few episodes reminds me of Arrested Development. I watched like 5 episodes and I couldn't get into it. Just too dry...
What do you mean by dry? You have to expect a show, on this kind of level(introducing you to about 10-15 main characters in the first episode) to be mainly exposition for the first part, introducing you to the characters and the themes that will be explored later on in the series. I still have to re-watch season one to try to remember the finale, but I will say try to get through season one.

How I got into Lost was before the third season premiered. I rented season one from the library, and was hooked. I immediately rented season two from Blockbuster and watched them all in probably about a week or less(I actually think I saw the finale the day before the premiere). So maybe if you can see the whole season one arc as I did, you'll be hooked.

So how about this season? One week!!!

P.S. As for Arrested Development, I will agree that the first couple episodes are week, but the thing with that show is that it rewards getting through it because the deeper you get into the show it begins to build jokes on top of jokes that happened a few episodes ago(or a season ago) which then has a joke on top of it the next show, and then that joke has a joke put on top of it again the next show.

Plow through those first couple of episodes, when the writers were trying to find their voice, and believe me, you will be rewarded with one of the best TV comedies of all time.

Re: Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:01 pm
by Scott
I might give it another chance sometime because Will Arnett is in it somewhere, but for now school is just starting and classes are lame as usual. It's cutting down my free time. And Mass Effect 2 just came out.. bad timing... Isn't this the last season of lost coming up?

Re: Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:23 pm
by Norgan
Indeed the final season is coming up. Only 5 Faradays left before it starts! ;-)

Around new years I set a goal to re-watch the first 5 seasons... again... over the next month to get ready. I finished in just under three weeks.

What's always interesting to me when I re-watch Lost is how much I remember not being into the pilot episode, but every other time I've seen it since, I can't help but feel like it's a real treat to watch.

I agree with what was said about Arrested Development. I've been watching it veeeeery slowly over the past year now. It's not that I never liked it, I just couldn't really get into it. But the more I watch the more I want. Lost kind of makes you feel that way too. You gotta spend some time with Lost, and I know that you'll find, it will possess your heart.

Re: Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:29 pm
by Scott
I have to work on so many things I tend to let my entertainment be just that. I don't want to really work to see something's merits or enjoy something. Every once in awhile I may appreciate some sort of "artsy" type of entertainment, but it is rare. For example, I know that the Godfather I and II are supposed to be some of the best films ever, but they are so and in which case I find them boring. It's not that I don't "get it" it's just that I don't care.

So when I go to a show, if it slows down I stop watching it, or if I don't like something about it. I really wanted to like Entourage. I really did because Jeremy Piven's Ari Gold is hilarious, but the rest of the characters (and actors) are boring and really don't bring much to the show IMO. Although Lloyd is great, everyone else is just flat... I'm picky about my immature comedy.

Re: Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:24 pm
by Barry Egan
So fucking excited.

Re: Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:24 pm
by Psyre
So, what did you guys think of the premiere? Tangent Universes FTW haha, I'm really excited to get this over with, crazy to think how long it's been a part of my life though.

Re: Convince me to watch Lost, and then discuss.

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:52 am
by Barry Egan
I loved it. The whole smoke monster scene was great.

Jacob took over Sayid's body, and he's faking everyone out like "man in black" did when he took over for Locke.